On the importance of human connections with key-note speaker, coach and trainer Jérôme Adjallé

I am pleased to present the tenth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Jérôme Adjallé  is on the ‘hot seat’ today.  I am so pleased that Jérôme is joining this series in his capacity as key note speaker, coach, trainer, and, in this series, first male […]

Dealing with uncertainty, complexity and lack of clarity – tolerance of ambiguity is key in leadership

Ist Ihnen der Begriff  Ambiguitätstoleranz schon mal begegnet? Ist nicht unbedingt ein Wort, was man vergisst. Und sicherlich, vor allem seit der Covid Pandemie, und definitiv seit den Ereignissen seitdem, ein Begriff, der bei Menschen, die sich mit Menschen, Führung, Teamwork, Organisationen und deren Zukunft beschäftigen, immer häufiger im Fokus steht. Was ist Ambiguität, und […]

Business Coaching, Training & Facilitation News from Cary Langer-Donohoe

As business coach and business trainer I work with companies of all sizes, from start-ups to medium size companies, to large global organisations and corporations. On my customer listings you can find businesses that have worked with me, Cary Langer-Donohoe, in the context of business coaching, business training and workshop facilitation. The work was conducted in a variety of settings: in Hamburg, at the customer’s location or via digital business coaching and business training channels, and in native English and German, or fluent French. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at Cary Langer-Donohoe. I look forward to hearing from you!

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