Half-time. Where has the time and the first half of the year gone? After a winter full of infections, etc… and spending plenty of time advising my customers in their mindfulness practice, I [...]
I am thrilled to introduce a guest blog to you, by Ava Stacie Myrtle, which builds on my previous articles this year in terms of mindfulness, mental health and the power of permissions. Enjoy! [...]
As we grow up, social norms and rules shape how we think and therefore how we behave as children: You can play in your room, for example. You may not not play in the garden at 8 am on a Sunday [...]
Wir wachsen von klein auf mit gesellschaftlichen Prägungen auf: Das darfst Du, z.B.: Du darfst in Deinem Zimmer spielen Das darfst Du nicht, z.B.: Du darfst nicht um 8 Uhr morgens im Garten [...]