Piggy-backing on my last article, today we are going to look at what to keep an eye out for when building company culture, and critically, when building a good company culture. So, what do I mean [...]
I had a couple of interesting experiences recently from a customer point of view with, let’s call it a large German transport company. You know when you have a strange or negative [...]
I am pleased to present the eleventh part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Florentine Dräger is on the ‘hot seat’ today. I am so [...]
I am pleased to present the tenth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Jérôme Adjallé is on the ‘hot seat’ today. I am so pleased [...]
Ist Ihnen der Begriff Ambiguitätstoleranz schon mal begegnet? Ist nicht unbedingt ein Wort, was man vergisst. Und sicherlich, vor allem seit der Covid Pandemie, und definitiv seit den [...]
Recently I wrote about giving that unsatisfactory answer to trainees in leadership trainings I hold. The questions usually circles around the fact that one, or multiple trainees, ask what tool to [...]
There is this German saying that I use sometimes, ok many times, when working with leaders: If you can’t lead yourself, then you can’t lead others. And as I prefer things phrased [...]
I am pleased to present the ninth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Irene Kern is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find the past [...]
Vor kurzer Zeit las ich einen Kommentar der ungefähr auf folgendes hinauslief: Der Autor beklagte die folgende Situation, in der, wie er sie betitelte “armen Führungskräfte“, und der [...]
I am pleased to present the ninth part of the my article series on inspiring people in my life. My inspiring colleague Julia Jungclaus-Knigge is on the ‘hot seat’ today. You can find [...]