What if I am not convinced by coaching, and have some concerns? What about if I want to integrate coaching in my business and want to be able to deal with resistance to it? Confidentiality is one [...]
I am to continue my series of articles on inspiring people in my life. Following the interviews with Susanne and Annika, this interview is with Kirsten. As you can tell there are many inspiring [...]
What’s key when looking for a business coach? A managing director gives pointers in this article (in German) on how he identified coaches for his start-up. Why it can be worth working with [...]
I am thrilled to start a new series of articles, and, at that, with a real corker. It’s about people who inspire me as a coach and trainer. The interviews will be, depending on the [...]
Phew, I made it. The other day I received my certificate in the post for my BSc in Applied Psychology and what felt like a mountain fell off my shoulders. There is no way my younger “if I’m going [...]
The underdog, according to Collins English Dictionary is the party ” in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.” We all love a good underdog story don’t [...]
As we grow up, social norms and rules shape how we think and therefore how we behave as children: You can play in your room, for example. You may not not play in the garden at 8 am on a Sunday [...]
Wir wachsen von klein auf mit gesellschaftlichen Prägungen auf: Das darfst Du, z.B.: Du darfst in Deinem Zimmer spielen Das darfst Du nicht, z.B.: Du darfst nicht um 8 Uhr morgens im Garten [...]
I am so excited and pleased! Recently, I was asked to contribute to a series of articles on regular coaching for employees in start-ups. My last publication had some thoughts on regular coaching [...]
So what does coaching contribute to business success? Quite a bit, according to Moritz Mann, founder and managing director of Protofy. Together with his colleagues, the company’s management [...]