Wir wachsen von klein auf mit gesellschaftlichen Prägungen auf: Das darfst Du, z.B.: Du darfst in Deinem Zimmer spielen Das darfst Du nicht, z.B.: Du darfst nicht um 8 Uhr morgens im Garten [...]
I am so excited and pleased! Recently, I was asked to contribute to a series of articles on regular coaching for employees in start-ups. My last publication had some thoughts on regular coaching [...]
So what does coaching contribute to business success? Quite a bit, according to Moritz Mann, founder and managing director of Protofy. Together with his colleagues, the company’s management [...]
A short while ago, last week, in fact, I had one of those ‘ I am beginning to feel a bit tired of all of this’ days. How are you doing? In the midst of the umpteenth online video chat that week [...]
Are you feeling a bit on edge with social distancing, quarantine, isolation….. ? Or have you settled comfortably into cocooning at home, working from home, being a friend, family,… from home? I [...]
I hope you have all arrived well and healthy in the new year and new decade. I started my new year with two courses in positive psychology with two giants in the world of psychology: Martin [...]