Business Coaching in Hamburg & around the world
As your business coach I help turn your problems into goals.

I work with you in Hamburg, at your location or by digital coaching, to enable you to look beyond the issues you are struggling with in your daily business and identify meaningful, worthwhile, attractive and sustainable goals. In business coaching it is my job to empower you towards achieving your goals, as well as ensuring you have sustainable strategies and means to activate the resources you need to achieve your goals.
Business Coaching is about enabling you and your team to unfold your full potential. It can cover anything from your personal development in business, preparing to take on a new position, resolving conflicts within organisations, to uncovering how to improve communication with that one person, be it a colleague, customer or employee, who seems so difficult to reach.
In our collaboration I am here as your business coach, your equal, your sparring partner, using powerful questions, targeted appreciative feedback and specialist business coaching tools to shine light on a topic from different perspectives, thereby enabling you to discover new ways to resolve previously intractable situations.
You benefit from a focused, positive, appreciative, goal-oriented working relationship, my experience as a business coach for leaders and teams in businesses of all sizes, as well as from my long experience as a leader in industry, in international business organisations and as an expat.
As a business coach and business trainer I work with companies of all sizes, from start-ups to large corporations. My customers are in a variety of industries, ranging from production to entertainment, online retail to app development and logistics. Here are some of their testimonials.
Business coaching enables you and your team to reach your targets more effectively, improve your performance and achieve your full potential. We can work together in Hamburg, at your location or via digital coaching, in native English and German, or fluent French.
So, when you can’t afford to wait and see if that persistent issue in your business life resolves itself, how about contacting me for a quick, free, no-strings-attached chat:
When can business coaching help?
- transitioning into a new leadership positions
- resolving persistent conflicts in or between teams
- improving people management skills
- supporting emerging leaders
- improving communication in and with teams
- identifying and implementing your business values
- decision making processes
- preparing for organisational change
- preparing for difficult business meetings
- increasing self-management skills
- improving teamwork in and across teams
Benefits of business coaching:
- clarity on previously confused situations
- clarity on your goals in resolving seemingly intractable problems
- sustainable solution strategies for you and your teams
- actionable solution processes
- identification & activation of resources
- increased room for maneuvering
- problem solving strategies for now & the future
- step-by-step support in implementing solutions
- awareness of your drivers
- improved self-awareness
- improved self-efficacy
From topical or technical expert to leader.
Authentic leadership, based on your values.
Developing your leadership skills.
Inspiring your team.
Resolving conflicts.
Global Teamwork
Intercultural teams.
Intercultural organisations.
Coaching in mother tongue, native English.
Building Communities of Practice.
Integrating new cultures.
Team development
Sustainable team development.
Open communication.
Resolving conflicts.
Developing self-organisation.
Developing your full potential.